Sometimes God has a different path in store for us. After being diagnosed with POF, I set out on a journey to "repair" my body and get pregnant naturally. Somewhere along the line, although pristine health and self care is my goal, the necessity to "prove" the doctors wrong became less important and we sought the perfect solution to grow our family. We decided on Embryo Donation / Adoption. Read about our journey. Blessings!

Perhaps the big "O"

Dec. 13, 2014

Still in limbo here, but that shouldn't be shocking ;)

My chart is actually pretty interesting. I had a temp hike which came down for seven days (the open circle, I temped late) and shot back up. The first hike was during a cold, which is what I am attributing it to. Right now, no cold, so perhaps I did ovulate. Take a peek.

I was back to acupuncture today. My TCM seemed pleased with my progress. I did talk to them a bit about my treatment in regards to financials. Like so many others, we're hurting. Without going into boring detail, every where we turn, it's hitting us hard. Realistically, I cannot continue treatment the same way and put food on the table. 

On the flip side, I feel it's important that I do take care of myself physically. Yes, it costs money, but left untreated, this disease could potentially kill me either directly or indirectly. I feel like I've healed so much and come so far, and I do not feel like this is permanent. I think it was a reflection of my life at that time. Stress, toxins, exhaustion. All no bueno! I do feel like if I can get things operational again, I'll run like a well oiled machine ;)

I asked them if we could cut my herbs in half so I could trim my bill. After a long discussion in Chinese that left me looking from one to the other and back again, they told me they think the best course of action is to take a full dose, but do it every other day. They think it will be most potent in full, but dispersed like that, it should still be effective. They said what is most important is that I continue the acupuncture which has served me greatest. My pulse is always dramatically better after. Her words were "better and better."

My session today was fine. It strikes me as funny what points are sensitive some days and others I barely feel at all. The needles near my hair line and on my feet today were sensitive. Going in, the needles on my reproductive organs weren't all that painful, but within minutes I started getting shooting cramps. I asked her if that was ok. "Cramps, yes. Pain, no." Since they were just cramps, I think it was the blood flow moving and energy shifting. All good.

I was a bit nervous going in because I didn't sleep well. My poor son came down with another cold and woke up several times last night. He always put himself back to sleep within minutes, but typically mommy that I am, I slept like crap listening to every cough, sniffle and movement from his direction. I'm praying my husband and I don't get this one. The last one was pretty nasty and with us traveling for Christmas, we want us all healthy.

I did read an interesting article that someone posted in a POF support group. As I turned to Google, I see it's being done more and more, but here you go...

It talks about how a women's ovary was grafted into her arm. They put it near the muscle to get adequate blood flow, and this ovary cycles every month growing follicles. They remove the eggs for future IVF. Isn't it fascinating that given the correct blood flow these ovaries are working? In her arm?? It really made me think how much good acupuncture does for our reproductive organs. Acupuncture stimulates blood flow. 

For people that don't have that service readily available, there are things like Castor Oil Packs, fertility yoga, fertility massage, etc that can also get your blood flow moving to your reproductive organs. Ensuring you have a healthy diet is important because the junk we eat makes our system sluggish, and regularly exercising (stimulating blood flow) also help. If an ovary can work in your arm, or abdomen (as they are also doing) it can certainly work where God placed it given the right environment.

Monday, I'm back to the chiropractor. I had rescheduled my monthly appointment to six weeks so I'm hoping my body responds well to the session. Then, I've that tough talk with his as well regarding what I can afford. I want to try to push it to every 6-8 weeks. Cutting that expense in half will be easier to swallow, but still keep my body on track.

On a very sad note, a woman that I'm "friends" with in a Facebook support group lost her baby today at 41 weeks. I cannot even fathom that kind of devastation. To make it all through a pregnancy, be expecting to come home with your child any day, and have them find no heart beat at a scheduled appointment. It makes my stomach drop. And, to have to go through the labor and delivery... If you can spare some prayers for her and her family, I'd be most appreciative. 

Well, I should turn in for the night. We'll see how my temps look over the next week. I'm cautiously optimistic. As always, God Bless!

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