Sometimes God has a different path in store for us. After being diagnosed with POF, I set out on a journey to "repair" my body and get pregnant naturally. Somewhere along the line, although pristine health and self care is my goal, the necessity to "prove" the doctors wrong became less important and we sought the perfect solution to grow our family. We decided on Embryo Donation / Adoption. Read about our journey. Blessings!

TCM, Moxa, and Embryos Oh My!

Sept. 28, 2015

I feel like my updates are lagging. I intended to post after my last TCM appointment, but it's been nearly two weeks since I went, so, here goes.

My appointment once again began with a flurry of back and forth between my doctors with me trying to catch random words I've picked up over the last year and a half. I had two sets of hands checking my pulses and the general consensus was it was better than the previous week. My kidney channel was still weaker than they liked. So, off to the acupuncture table.

This time, they decided to really pull out all the stops and do Moxa. Now, they told me it was sage, but as I read up on it when I got home, traditionally Moxa is done with mugwort. I'll clarify next time. Sometimes the language barrier loses a bit in translation. You can learn more about Moxa here. The basic 411 is it brings warmth to my lady bits and mugwort (if that is what they used) is great for the uterus. A lot of TCM's use it for a stagnant or "cold" uterus and considering it's been almost seven months since my last's rather stagnant.

There are different ways of doing it apparently, but they had a little contraption that looked like a little house with a chimney. The moxa stick went through the chimney, and it had elastic around it to tighten it to my body. There was a little screen on the bottom, lying on my stomach to catch any ash that fell. She still put needles in all the other spots that she traditionally did it in.

After about a half hour she came in and removed the moxa and applied needles where it was and turned on the heat lamp to ensure my abdomen was still being warmed. Afterwards, she told me to drink a lot of water as it had a detoxifying effect.

Since then, I've been strict with my supplements, my essential oils and castor oil packs. I did get my second batch of Yoni Steam in the mail so I've been using that as well.

I did get an update from my clinic with the embryo adoption. I'd contacted a few attorneys that agreed a contract was out of the question without a second party and that I would need a letter of release. If the clinic did not have one or would not draft one, I could hire them to do so. I sent all that info to my coordinator who then asked for examples. I found four clinics online that posted their contracts and sent it.

A lot of the verbiage had to do with FET or IVF in general so I said I thought most would be covered in their contracts, and suggested they use a similar letter of remittance the donors use and change the language for a recipient. They contacted their legal team and all of this was approved. So, thankfully, we don't need an attorney.

I spoke with my coordinator today who said the clinic is transferring ownership to us and as soon as that is updated in their computer, we can proceed. I'm waiting on her to order medical testing so I can contact my doctor to put in the order. After that, we need to establish our timeline with the doctor for transfer. Her estimate is November transfer and we should know if we are pregnant by or during December.

I'm hoping some of my meds are covered by my insurance. There appear to be nine medications that are traditionally used for FET. Doctors usually choose a few that they are most comfortable with. All, seem to be used for HRT for POF, so I'm hoping with my pre-existing condition that some are covered. If not, I applied for a discount pharmacy card at this site

You know I'll be calling every pharmacy in town and checking every price online for the best deal ;)

I've been a bit overly emotional the last few days. I think everything has kind of hit me. I know November isn't far off, but I just want to move on with our lives. I feel like we've been suspended for over two years now and I keep catching myself in "woe is me moments" and shaking them off.

We are SO blessed. This has really taught me to slow down and treasure every second with my son, my husband, family, friends... And, to not take a second of my health for granted. I know a year from now I'll be reading back over this with a baby in my arms and all these moments of doubt and grief will seem insignificant.

My in-laws are coming to town this week so my husband and myself can sneak away for two nights together. It'll be really nice to reconnect and have adult conversation away from work, stress and "infertility" junk. I don't think people outside our "community" quite grasp how draining that is. For the most part, we are really balanced and I think handling it really well, but it does take a toll.

Before we head out I'll head to acupuncture on Saturday. Once we have a for sure transfer date, I'll begin weekly sessions with them to prime the pump so to speak.

God Bless.

EA kinks

Sept. 16, 2015

Well, we have a few communication glitches in the embryo adoption world. Nothing major. The highlights were this. The embryos were NOT tested. Bummer, but ok. Our donors want complete anonymity, but were also refusing to give any medical background.

This really bummed me out and I've appealed to them through our coordinator to change that. I know they want to be anonymous, but I know nothing from a medical record if I don't have the person to apply it to. There is no context. My feeling is, every doctor's appointment I've ever gone to they ask me my and my family's medical history. I want to be the best advocate for our future child or children and I can't do that with no information about them.

I used the example of my POF and HRT with my coordinator. HRT is recommended, but after knowing my grandma and two aunts have all had breast cancer, even my doctors agreed treating in a different method made the most sense. I also used the example of my hemochromatosis. Not knowing I had that, if I would have taken prenatal pills with iron I may have harmed myself and potentially the baby. I think my coordinator understood my hesitation and has said she'd discuss it further with the donor. I told her I could care less about the physical descriptions, but a basic medical history, I felt, was imperative.

We did get some info on the egg donor they had used, so I was glad they released some of that, but again, no family medical history was disclosed.

The other issue we are dealing with now is the clinic still wants a contract, but the donor has already remitted the embryos to them, so we have no one to form a contract with. I've spoken with an attorney and they've advised me the clinic can issue us a standard release and a donation contract not only is not needed, but not possible without the second party. We shall see how the clinic responds.

I did ask them if the other couple that is receiving any of the embryos would like to have any further contract should both of us have children from the group. I think it'd be a nice option for the kids to meet on down the line.

So, we are basically, once again in a holding pattern. Waiting to be advised on legal clearance. Waiting if we can appeal for further medical history. Waiting to be told what medical tests I need to take. My coordinator guessed a November cycle. Honestly, I know the clearance, even if drafted by a lawyer can be done in an hour and my medical test results are done within 24-48 hrs, so I think this could all move much faster than anticipated. She said the other couple needed to cycle first...why, I don't know. I feel like if four embryos are assigned to them, three to us, we shouldn't be tied with each other as far as cycling goes.

Each embryo is in it's own straw so she said we could transfer 1, 2 or 3 depending on how they thaw. I said flat out no more than two.

Other than that, I'm going to try and sneak away to acupuncture tomorrow since we have a birthday party on Saturday. Hopefully things are improving. I'm still getting constant positives on my OPKs and HPTs which is frustrating and makes me feel things are still a bit awry.

I also opened a Bravelets page. Basically, it's jewelry to offer inspiration. We get $10 from each purchase for our medical bills. I love the story behind the page. If you want to buy anything to offer support to us, yourself or other families embarking on the adoption journey or needing help and inspiration through other trials, tribulations or health crises, it's a wonderful program.

You can check it out HERE and click the fundraise link at the top to open your own page to help offset expenses.

I'll keep you posted as things unfold.

God Bless!

EA Progress

Sept 8, 2015

Well, progress on the EA front! Our coordinator emailed Friday afternoon and said we are a go and she'd be contacting me this week. It's only Tuesday night and I'm trying very hard not to be too antsy and stalk her. I think out of self respect I'll wait...until at least tomorrow ;)

I did start getting a few quotes from different attorneys to draw up contracts for us. It ranges. Not a cheap process for sure. Someone did give me info for theirs which charges $500 to draw it up, but we'd have to cover the donor's as well. Most of them are in the $1000 range, although I got a quote from one attorney for $1000 flat covering ours and the donors attorney fees as well. I got a good feel from her. Maybe she's playing into my sentimentality but her closing words were "That's really exciting that you have the opportunity to adopt embryos. I think they are such special little babies waiting to get adopted." Sniff. She may be the winner for us.

I did head back to TCM on Saturday. More of the same. A lot of conversing in Chinese and furrowing of their brows that left me looking like I was watching a ping pong match, back and forth, back and forth trying to keep up with them. The consensus, no surprise, was I was still weak and need to continue daily herbs. However, the good news was I was doing better than last time. My pulses weren't horrendous, but my kidney channel (reproduction lies there) needs to be stronger.

I mosied into the acupuncture room and climbed up. Again, we started with the back. Face down I went and she poked me all around the lower back trying to get my organs working. About 35 minutes later, flip!

She did the usual spots, but did a few more on the top of my head, one on my chin (a new one!) and a few more on the leg and abdomen. About a half hour into it she came in and removed almost all of them except the abdomen and finger ones trying to center all my energy on my lady bits.

After my session, I was nice a strong. My kidney channel weaker than the others, but overall, they were happy. If only I could do it daily, maybe I'd always be strong. We went over the dates they'll be in China. She will be gone starting in two weeks, but he won't leave until Oct. 15- Nov. 1. Leading up to transfer they want me in weekly sessions to prepare my body. I was feeling a bit anxious if transfer will be after their gone, but worrying is useless. Nothing I can do to change it. Just have to trust HIS plan (big guy upstairs.)

I've run out of my Yoni steam so I'll be ordering another batch. I feel like the steam and following it with the castor oil packs has been good for me. I'll continue to do that up to transfer. In the mean time, we're still trying au natural.

Well, I should get some sleep. I just wanted to update you all on the good news with the EA moving forward. I'll let you know more details as I get them.

God Bless!