Sometimes God has a different path in store for us. After being diagnosed with POF, I set out on a journey to "repair" my body and get pregnant naturally. Somewhere along the line, although pristine health and self care is my goal, the necessity to "prove" the doctors wrong became less important and we sought the perfect solution to grow our family. We decided on Embryo Donation / Adoption. Read about our journey. Blessings!


Jan. 24, 2018

Ahhhh, the milk makers. Classy, right? Ok, I jest, kind of. I'm very prone to clogged ducts. I'm an oversupplier. So, when I found a lump a few weeks ago I shrugged it off. BUT, because I'm so prone to clogged ducts, I know them well. This was not so. No inflammation, no swelling, no pain, no milk backed up, no mastisis. No amount of massaging, heating, dangle feeding will make this one budge. So, may as well make sure it's nothing right?

I had a little health scare a month with a ginormous swollen lymph node. We're talking a golf ball on my neck. Mild panic around the doctors offices, sending me to the lab and xrays immediately, ushering me into specialists within 24 hrs, CTs and biopsies scheduled. Turned out, just an infection. I was able to cancel the CT and biopsy when the swelling went down on it's own considerable within 48 hrs. Within two weeks, it was gone.

So...I'm hoping this is all the same thing. It is on the same side...mental note to bring that up to the doc. Anyway, I went in today and she found the bump easily without my pointing it out. "Oh, yup. Right here. It kind of has something extending too." I felt that too, but thought it was my imagination.

It's hard. Pea size and right up against my chest wall. If you press it against the rib, it's very noticeable or dangle and press into the breast tissue. She said it could be a gamut of things. Cyst, fibrous tissue, possible even a node or duct that had a bit of infection - but I'd most likely be experiencing signs of infection, so we're thinking that's not it.

She asked if breast cancer ran in the family. Sadly, yes. Grandma, two aunts and a cousin. Any other female cancers like uterine or ovarian...well, yes, my mom. Oooookay. So, she also suggests genetic testing. My aunt and cousin didn't have the carrier for breast cancer, but my aunt on the paternal side didn't get it. I'm still optimistic I'm in the clear ;)

Because I'm breastfeeding, mammogram is ruled out. I'm under 40 with fibrous tissue and a lot of active ducts and nodes in there that'd just make it a nightmare to read. I'm grateful. I know mammograms save lives, but if we already KNOW there is a mass, unnecessary radiation doesn't sound ideal to me...and quite honestly ridiculously painful and messy - I pity the radiologist squishing all that milk out, and sounds like a barrel of clogged ducts and inflammation after. Ouch. She concurred. We'd be doing an unnecessary procedure where we know we'd move to diagnostic ultrasound anyway. (By the way, as I did some research ahead of time, most insurances now will allow breast ultra sounds once a year instead of mammograms if you know how to push the issue - no radiation and more detailed imagery. If they do require mammograms, you can always ask if your provider will do thermal imaging to lessen exposure to radiation.) So, ultrasound scheduled for next Thursday.

As I was with the nurse scheduling it, she came out and said as she was putting in the orders, she is trusting her gut...between family history and the feel, she wanted to put in an order for a diagnostic bilateral mammogram in case the u/s looks like further steps are necessary. She said it'd be good to have the order in place so they can do it immediately versus place the order, wait for her to sign off and around and around we go. They don't like to do those on nursing moms (explanation above) but she thought that'd be a necessary step at that point to see how far the growth extended to know the next plan of action. Hopefully, it will be a mute point and not required.

So, I play the waiting game again, to hopefully get the all clear :) I'm very optimistic all is fine. The lymph was a pretty horrifying sight, lol, and I remained calm throughout all that. My feeling was it's either nothing, or cancer, but caught way early with providers who were crazy proficient and moving very quickly and proactively. Same here.

Until then, toss up a few prayers for lumpy or nodey breasts. I'll slather on some peace and calming oils, have a few chats with the Big Guy upstairs and enjoy some extra cuddles and nursing sessions knowing these ladies have provided life, love and comfort to two little guys and they'll continue to do the job they were made to do as long as necessary.

God bless.

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