Sept. 8, 2014
Well, I was back to my acupressure session on Saturday and an adjustment for my herbs. Good news, my pulses were much stronger. After my session, stronger yet. They seemed very happy with my progress. My TCM also looked at my chart and I told her about the light spotting I had for five days. With the temp rise and timing of spotting she thought it was conceivable I ovulated.
I noticed when she did the acupuncture this time she switched the spots a bit. She did two pokes about two inches above my naval to the left and right. When I asked her about it, she said in broken English "impregnate." So, I gathered those were the "hold" spots they were talking about before. I didn't think those were suppose to start until the fifth session, but given I potentially ovulated and was in the 2WW, I think she triggered them just in case.
She also didn't do my inner calf or the spots near my heals. From reading about acupuncture and acupressure in The Infertility Cure I know those aren't to be stimulated after ovulation "just in case" so it was interesting she avoided them.
I was going to try to snap a picture of the treatment, but that would be counter productive to relaxing, and trying to reach my camera made my abs tighter which = pins moving. Ow. They also were moving in my head when I reached. So, you will have to settle for the aftermath. I took two shots and if you look carefully you can see the pattern on my stomach - red dots above the naval, down the center line and on either side above my ovaries and uterus.
Well, I was back to my acupressure session on Saturday and an adjustment for my herbs. Good news, my pulses were much stronger. After my session, stronger yet. They seemed very happy with my progress. My TCM also looked at my chart and I told her about the light spotting I had for five days. With the temp rise and timing of spotting she thought it was conceivable I ovulated.
I noticed when she did the acupuncture this time she switched the spots a bit. She did two pokes about two inches above my naval to the left and right. When I asked her about it, she said in broken English "impregnate." So, I gathered those were the "hold" spots they were talking about before. I didn't think those were suppose to start until the fifth session, but given I potentially ovulated and was in the 2WW, I think she triggered them just in case.
She also didn't do my inner calf or the spots near my heals. From reading about acupuncture and acupressure in The Infertility Cure I know those aren't to be stimulated after ovulation "just in case" so it was interesting she avoided them.
I was going to try to snap a picture of the treatment, but that would be counter productive to relaxing, and trying to reach my camera made my abs tighter which = pins moving. Ow. They also were moving in my head when I reached. So, you will have to settle for the aftermath. I took two shots and if you look carefully you can see the pattern on my stomach - red dots above the naval, down the center line and on either side above my ovaries and uterus.
She also switched what side the needles between my thumb and pointer finger were on from the right to the left.
My herbs this week are again for my Jayu (again, probably murdered the spelling on that, but it means power) increased Chi, blood, and kidney channel.
As for my temps, it is CD9 according to FF, but in reality it could be as late as CD11 or as recent at CD8 IF I did really ovulate afterall. My temps have been haywire before, so no true way of knowing for another week or so. The bummer, they dipped today, so we'll see if AF shows, it shoots up tomorrow, or continues to go down with no period which would mean just wacky still.
I'll keep ya posted.
I was also introduced to a great faith based fertility person named Nerida Walker. A woman in a POF group suggested her based on how I love Terry Mize. A lot of what Nerida says is exactly the same thing, but more current. She preaches today. Here is a link to her youtube channel.
Her prayers are empowering and her journey with infertility is powerful. After her husband was told he was completely sterile and infertile, they decided to reject a medical diagnosis and trust what the scripture told them. That we are meant to be fruitful and multiple. She not only got pregnant within six months but went on to have FOUR children in the span of four and a half years. His doctors were in disbelief.
She wrote two books God's Plan for Pregnancy and It Is Finished. I ordered them so I'll give you a review soon. Peace.
Please take a moment to listen to her prayer if you feel so moved.
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