Sometimes God has a different path in store for us. After being diagnosed with POF, I set out on a journey to "repair" my body and get pregnant naturally. Somewhere along the line, although pristine health and self care is my goal, the necessity to "prove" the doctors wrong became less important and we sought the perfect solution to grow our family. We decided on Embryo Donation / Adoption. Read about our journey. Blessings!

Endocrinologist and EA Oh My!

April 22, 2015


Well, shortly after I hit "post" the other day, my endocrinologist's office called to schedule me for a next day appointment. Um, either that is crazy efficient or I should be worried, right??

Well, after my appointment, I decided, they are just super efficient. I will be honest, I braced myself to go in there and fight a battle for not medicating and being pushed to take pharmaceuticals. Thankfully, my doctor was extremely like minded. Her philosophy is there are great meds on the market, yes; however they should be used with caution, sparingly and appropriately. When I'm 65, then is the time to start meds for osteoporosis. Now, she felt it was unethical because there have not been long term studies done with these medications. 5 years. Sure. 10 years. Maybe, but even then she prescribes her patients to rotate on then off the medications.

If you remember, about a year ago I spoke about a condition I have called hemochromatosis. Bascially, what it is, is my body holds on to iron. I have too much. She said that this could be exacerbating my bone loss. If iron is being "caught" by my pituitary gland, it could be disrupting endocrine function (my hormones) and basically leaching calcium.

I have a lot of strikes against me in the bone health department. My mom was diagnosed with osteoporosis at 48 which is super young. I'm slender (higher bmi equals less risk of bone loss) at 103 lbs. I have small bones to start with. With POF I have estrogen deficiency. If my thyroid or pituitary is having issues that will compound the issue.

So, I have to hand it to her, she ordered 25 blood tests. Count them. 25! After today we should really know all my hormone levels. I won't even bother type them here. I took a photo of the lab order.

In addition to all these labs she ordered a 24 hour urine collection kit. She's checking for calcium in my urine. If there is, it could be a kidney issue where they just excrete all the calcium versus my body absorbing it.

Good news is, if there is a reason for bone loss other than the above mentioned, she's being very thorough to catch it and correct it. I asked if the hemochromatosis or an underlying issue could be causing POF. Although she said she's not a reproductive endocrinologist, she doesn't believe so. She feels that my elevated FSH indicates I have no eggs.

I think we all know I think that is, well, BS, but I let it slide. I did say the fertility specialist I met with said it could absolutely be an endocrine or hormonal disruption preventing the eggs from being recruited. She kind of shrugged it off saying she can't help me conceive, but can fix my underlying issues.

My book. Score. I'm of firm mind a healthy body is a healthy body inside and out (and all around.)

My score was, I believe she said -2.4. She said it's not fair to say I have osteoporosis because it's diagnosed on a bell curve according to age. I can't be compared to those in my age. The only certain thing is I have osteopenia, which means lower bone density than what I should.

She did say I should really consider HRT unless I have a family history of breast cancer. Um, my maternal grandma and aunt had it and mom has already had numerous biopsies...yeah, I'd really like to pass. She said once we rule out all other causes, and if I'm left with estrogen deficiency alone to think it over. She DID say she'd support me treating holistically with herbs, supplements and EOs under her monitoring for a couple years. If still in two years I'm losing bone mass, she'd ask I revisit HRT again. Ok, two years out, I'll agree to consider it ;)

When I got to the lab this morning - I had to have the blood draw between 8 and 9 am, the woman checking me in said "Holy Granola! You have a LOT of labs here. Are you ok with all these?"

Well, yeah, stick me once. I'm not paying a $40 copay for each visit thank you very much. She grabbed my urine collector kit which was a sterile container to collect urine and an orange tub 3000 ml (101.44 oz.) Um, give me two or three. She looked at me blank faced like I was crazy. "It's only 24 hrs."

"Yeah, give me several." She gave me two. Full disclosure, I got home at 8:30 am. It's 1:21 pm here and I already have the first full to the 2600 ml mark. I drink a lot of water. I knew this about myself. No one believes me. I'm thinking the last eight hours or so I'm sleeping so I think it'll be enough...either that or I'll be seriously limiting my intake this evening.

She scheduled a phone consult with me in two weeks, on May 4 at noon to go over the results. My labs post immediately as entered online, so unfortunately, that leaves me way way way too much time to consult Dr. Google. Be honest, you all know him/her too.

As a result of my post the other day on Facebook, a woman approached us about EA. Her requirement is we have at least two children with her embryos. If blessed with twins straight out of the gate, awesome. But, our hesitation is if the first FET doesn't work, or if we only get one child, we would have to do it again. Which, well, it's expensive. We had a lovely correspondence, but I told her we needed some time to pray about it. In the mean time if she found a home for them, I understood, but we'd chat with her soon. If it's God's will I know they'll still be there if we decide on them.

(EDIT - after I published this, the phone rang and it was our fertility clinic. They decided if we find outside embryos they will waive the $3000 administrative fee. What??? I'm stunned. The clinic was thrilled to hear about the 6 day blasts and the excellent quality. I also found out from the woman that offered her embryos that her grandparents lived in the town my husband grew up in. Spooky coincidence. We still have to prayerfully consider this option because her only request is we have bio siblings from her set as long as embryos remain. The good news either way, if we wait, the fee is waived so we can pursue outside embryos now without that looming over us. The clinic also told me they may have an in house match available pending donor final approval. I'm a bit overwhelmed things are happening so quickly and I'm not sure we are ready to move forward yet. Many prayers and conversations for my husband and I...)

Our pastor from church, whom I spoke with his wife on Sunday about a referral for fost adopt, actually called yesterday and had written a glowing letter for us already. Incredible how quickly people offer help. He said he'd be more than happy to counsel us through the process and also with any emotions or issues that arose. He too has adopted within the foster system, older children, and has helped some people within the church as well.

So much is happening so quickly.

Well, I'm sure we'll chat before my results are all in so I can agonize over them, but for the time being, stay strong. Even with all the headway on EA and fost adopt (look at me getting all the lingo right, it's not foster to adopt, but fost adopt) my husband and I were chatting on the phone while I drove to my blood draw today. He said he was praying and he's is at utter peace for natural conception. And, you know what. I feel at peace with it too. I'll be thrilled either way however our child comes, but there's peace there.

God's in control. Always is.

God Bless.

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