Sometimes God has a different path in store for us. After being diagnosed with POF, I set out on a journey to "repair" my body and get pregnant naturally. Somewhere along the line, although pristine health and self care is my goal, the necessity to "prove" the doctors wrong became less important and we sought the perfect solution to grow our family. We decided on Embryo Donation / Adoption. Read about our journey. Blessings!

And, a BFN and no O

March 21, 2014

Well, I didn’t ovulate last go round, but I’ve gotten two more LH surges. Who knows if I did this time. I keep temping, but my night waking throws a wrench in that. Most mornings, I have to temp at 4 or 4:30 when I first wake so my temps look so low. I keep hoping, but only time will tell. The upside is, my body is having fertile changes so I feel like it’s at least trying. There are waves of fertile CM with a raise soft, open cervix along with the positive OPK’s, so maybe one of these times, it’ll just shoot an egg out.

I’ll keep you posted.

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