Sometimes God has a different path in store for us. After being diagnosed with POF, I set out on a journey to "repair" my body and get pregnant naturally. Somewhere along the line, although pristine health and self care is my goal, the necessity to "prove" the doctors wrong became less important and we sought the perfect solution to grow our family. We decided on Embryo Donation / Adoption. Read about our journey. Blessings!


Nov. 25, 2015

Happy National Embryo Adoption Awareness Day!!!! To all the snowflakes out there - what a blessing you are!

Well, feeling pretty good. I had a bit more cramping yesterday and a bit of breast tenderness and I've been tired, but trying not to let those get me excited. I'm well aware the progesterone I'm taking could be responsible.

After dropping off my son I went for a tiny walk before work this morning and put in my headphones. On my iPod Bob Marley's "Every little thing gonna be alright" was playing. It had particular meaning because a friend who transferred a few weeks before me kept referring to our embryos as our "One Loves" and told me to play Bob Marley the day of transfer. It made me smile.

I got our turkey yesterday. 19.89 lbs. I had to laugh. I stuck under the 20 lb lifting rule...barely. Trying to Thanksgiving shop with a three year old on one of the busiest grocery shopping days of the year - I deserve an award. He actually did really well. Only a few times did he end up running too far ahead. I did end up with a cookie mix and about twelve bags of marshmallows in my cart that I didn't expect. Can't blame a kid for trying :)

Tomorrow we're celebrating with some friends for breakfast and our pastor invited us over for lunch. My husband is working, so it's little man and I. I'll cook up our feast on Friday. We like to decorate after so it'll be a nice evening.

I'm getting very aware I'm going to have to cave soon and test. lol Today is National Embryo Adoption Awareness Day and my son was born three years ago on Thanksgiving. Both could give a positive extra special meaning. We'll see.

God Bless!

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